Here are a few general resources about comic books and their creators:
- Ages of heroes, eras of men : superheroes and the American experience / edited by Julian C. Chambliss, William Svitavsky and Thomas Donaldson
- Beyond bang! Pow! Zap! : genre and the evolution of the American comic book industry / by Mark Christiancy Rogers
- The American comic book / editor, Joseph Michael Sommers, Central Michigan University
- The art of the comic book : an aesthetic history / Robert C. Harvey
- Caped crusaders 101 : composition through comic books / Jeffrey Kahan and Stanley Stewart
- The classic era of American comics / Nicky Wright ; foreword by Joe Kubert
- Comic books and American cultural history : an anthology / [edited by] Matthew Pustz
- Comic books and strips : an information sourcebook / by Randall W. Scott
- The comic book reader's companion : an a-to-z guide to everyone's favorite art form / Ron Goulart
- Comic book rebels : conversations with the creators of the new comics / [reported by] Stanley Wiater and Stephen R. Bissette
- DC Comics : sixty years of the world's favorite comic book heroes / by Les Daniels ; introduction by Jenette Kahn
- Demanding respect : the evolution of the American comic book / Paul Lopes
- Enter the superheroes American values, culture, and the canon of superhero literature / [electronic resource] : Alex S. Romagnoli and Gian S. Pagnucci
- From girls to grrrlz : a history of [Venus, symbol for female] comics from teens to zines / Trina Robbins
- The golden age of DC Comics : 365 days / written and selected by Les Daniels ; designed and selected by Chip Kidd ; photographed by Geoff Spear
- The golden age of DC Comics 1935-1956 / by Paul Levitz ; art direction and design by Josh Baker
- The great comic book artists / Ron Goulart
- The great comic book heroes / Jules Feiffer
- Great history of comic books
- The great women superheroes / Trina Robbins
- Heroes of film, comics and American culture : essays on real and fictional defenders of home / edited by Lisa M. DeTora
- Heroines of Comic Books and Literature : Portrayals in Popular Culture / edited by Maja Bajac-Carter, Norma Jones, and Bob Batchelor
- The history of DC Comics : 50 years of fantastic imagination : an anniversary tribute / edited by Ron Goulart
- History of the DC universe / writer, Marv Wolfman ; penciller, George Perez ; inker, Karl Kesel ; editor, Mike Gold
- Holy sh*t! : the world's weirdest comic books / Paul Gravett & Peter Stanbury
- The horror comics : fiends, freaks and fantastic creatures, 1940s-1980s / William Schoell
- How to read superhero comics and why / Geoff Klock
- Marvel Comics : the untold story / Sean Howe
- Masters of comic book art / Will Eisner ... [et al. ; text] by P. R. Garriock
- Masters of the comic book universe revealed! / Arie Kaplan
- Men of tomorrow : geeks, gangsters, and the birth of the comic book / Gerard Jones
- The official handbook of the Marvel universe
- Of comics and men : a cultural history of American comic books / Jean-Paul Gabilliet ; translated by Bart Beaty and Nick Nguyen
- Our gods wear Spandex : the secret history of comic book heroes / Christopher Knowles ; with illustrations by Joseph Michael Linsner
- Reading comics : language, culture, and the concept of the superhero in comic books / Mila Bongco
- Seal of approval : the history of the comics code / Amy Kiste Nyberg
- Super-history : comic book superheroes and American society, 1938 to the present / Jeffrey K. Johnson
- The superhero reader / edited by Charles Hatfield, Jeet Heer, and Kent Worcester
- Superhero : the secret origin of a genre / by Peter Coogan ; introduction by Denny O'Neil
- Superheroes! : capes and crusaders in comics and films / Roz Kaveney
- The ten-cent plague : the great comic-book scare and how it changed America / David Hajdu
- Wonder women : feminisms and superheroes / Lillian S. Robinson