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Research Funding and Support Resources - Proposal and Grant Writing Resources

Additional Resources

Proposal and Grant Writing Resources

Grant Writing Resources

View a recording of this presentation which is part of a workshop developed by the Offices of Research and Foundation Relations.

Proposal Writing Resources

Research Development and Grant Writing News

Ohio State's institutional subscription permits unlimited distribution within the research community (OSU login required). The content is relevant to all academic disciplines and all levels of faculty, postdocs, graduate, and/or undergraduate students involved in research.This newsletter has received excellent reviews from the higher education research community. Its writers and editors are considered experts and their newsletter should be required reading for anyone preparing a grant proposal or those who are new to grant writing. Subscribe to this listserv to receive a monthly email notification (typically the middle of each month). Newsletters for 2011-2015 available by request. Please contact Jeff Agnoli ( 


Office of Research Proposal Library

This resource is designed for early career investigators. Our goal is to assemble a collection of documents and resources that will help you through the process of writing successful proposals. Compiled here you will also find a Proposal Library submitted by Ohio State faculty who have graciously shared their work.

Contact Us

For questions, please reach out to:

Jeff Agnoli

Jeff Agnoli
Education, Funding, and Research Development | 614-292-6269