This section of the guide focuses on solution efforts and abolitionist tools currently being researched to dismantle the “New Jim Code”. Abolitionist tools for the “New Jim Code” span from company initiatives, revised and equitable design processes, technologies designed with an emancipatory purpose, and other methods that are shared in this section.
Articles and Essays
Under each resource is a description that explains whether the source is "Open Access" or an "OSU Resource". "Open Access" resources are available to find on the internet, versus an "OSU Resource", which are resources only available to Ohio State University faculty, staff, and students with an OSU email and login information.
Few publications from OSU faculty or students include the "New Jim Code" as a concept or the book Race After Technology as a cited source. If you are interested in producing work related to the topic, creating reviews on the information shared in this guide, or proposing your personal ideas on the best abolitionist tools and methods consider publishing your research and work. Visit the Ohio State University Library Publishing to learn how to best share your ideas.