Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC)

This guide will help you navigate the resources we provide at The Ohio State University Libraries as a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC).

Types of Trademarks

Collection of trademarks including Play-dough, McDonalds, Netflix, Apple, Google, Tiffany's, Coca Cola and Whole Foods

Per the USPTO, a trademark "can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It’s how customers recognize you in the marketplace and distinguish you from your competitors. ...

A trademark:

  • Identifies the source of your goods or services.
  • Provides legal protection for your brand.
  • Helps you guard against counterfeiting and fraud."

Trademarks can be many different things including words, designs, logos, slogans, symbols, colors, sounds, even fragrances! Basically anything you can argue helps a consumer distinguish the source of a good or service.

Trademark Searching and Registration Process

Trademark registration process shown through colored arrows reading: application, examination, publication and registration


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