Keep Teaching: Virtual Library Instruction Resources

Creating and Sharing a Zoom Recording

Zoom is a great option for recording a presentation or lecture and sharing with students.  Zoom can create an automatic transcript of the recording, and you can easily share links to a recording, or embed in a CarmenCanvas course or a LibGuide. 

When recording, is recommended that you select the Record to the Cloud option (as opposed to Local Recording). Using the cloud recording option will allow you to use the auto transcript function to automatically transcribe the audio of a meeting that you record to the cloud. The auto transcript function is not available with local recordings. 

Getting Started with Zoom

If you are new to Zoom, use the following links to get started: 

Auto-transcription in Zoom

The following resource should help in using Zoom's auto-transcript feature:

Sharing a Zoom Recording

For help in sharing Zoom recordings, see the following: