Africana Studies

A Guide to African, African American, and Africans in the Diaspora Resources

Oxford African American Studies Center

Oxford African American Studies Center  A digital compendium of historical and cultural Africa, African American, and Africans in the Diaspora resources. 

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Africana Literature

The Norton Anthology of African American Literature,Third Edition

Librarian's Choice

Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. and Valerie A. Smith. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, Third Edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company,  2014.

The 2014 Norton Anthology of African American Literature print edition presents an anthology of African American oral and written literature. This massive two volume collection includes the works of Venture Smith,  Martin R. Delany, Elizabeth Keckley, Ida B. Wells-Barnett,  W. E. B. Du Bois,  Arthur A. Schomburg, Gwendolyn B. Bennett, Gwendolyn Brooks,  Calvin Hernton, Samuel R. Delany, and  Harryette Mullen. In addition,  the Norton Anthology of African American Literature StudySpace, companion site provides access to a timeline,  a glossary, digital media and a guide to “Writing About Literature.” Overall, The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, Third Edition, is a wonderful introduction to the African American literary tradition.

Welcome to the African American and African Studies Research Site, your information gateway for research, teaching, and learning.  Feel free to contact me for your research and classroom needs.                                                                                          Leta Hendricks

Literary Analysis

 Literary Reference Center Plus

Comprehensive literary database providing full-text access to reference works, and periodicals. Content includes New Contemporary Literature Titles from Salem Press relating to fantasy/science fiction, contemporary literature, world philosophy, quotations in context, religious literature, and biographies of Nobel literature prize winners.

 EBSCOHost Databases (Literature)

A multi-interdisciplinary suite of databases covering the arts, humanities, law, life and health sciences, social sciences, science and technology. Databases contain content from popular magazines, scholarly journals, newspapers, documents, books, reports, conference proceedings, and other digital media. Features Open Cluster Searching. Select Academic Search Complete; Essay and General Literature Index Retrospective; Humanities International Complete; MLA International Bibliography; and The Nation Archive.

 Cambridge Histories Online

This historical reference compendium provides digital access to the Cambridge Histories series. Titles include: "Cambridge History of Africa," "Cambridge History of African American Literature," "Cambridge History of African and Caribbean Literature," "Cambridge History of Latin America," and "Cambridge History of South Africa."

 Oxford Bibliographies

This bibliographic driven database provides access to annotated research guides in African Studies, Childhood Studies, Latino Studies, Music, Public Health and other humanities/social science research areas.

 Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Literature

Literature database provides current and authoritative scholarship in literature and literary studies. The Encyclopedia is comprised of entries from "The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory," "The Encyclopedia of the Novel," "The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction," "The Encyclopedia of Romantic Literature," "The Encyclopedia of English Renaissance Literature," and "The Encyclopedia of the Gothic."

Historical Imprints

 Afro-Americana Imprints, 1535-1922

Created from the Library Company's Afro-Americana Collection — an accumulation that began with Benjamin Franklin and steadily increased throughout its entire history, resource provides access to printed works including books, pamphlets and broadsides, and lesser-known imprints.

 African American Periodicals 1825-1995

Database features a diverse collection of periodicals produced by and about African Americans, covering United States slavery through the Million Man March. The publications include academic and political journals, commercial magazines, institutional newsletters, organizations' bulletins, annual reports, and other print media.

Literature (e-books)

African American Poetry

African American Poetry contains poems by African American poets of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Database includes the first recorded poem by an African American, Lucy Terry Prince's 'Bars Fight' (c.1746).

African Writers Series (AWS)

AWS is the online edition of the Heinemann's African Writers Series. The database features drama, fiction, poetry, and non-fictional prose. 

Black Authors, 1556-1922: Imprints from the Library Company of Philadelphia

Black Authors, 1556-1922 contains titles from the Library Company of Philadelphia holdings. Collection includes authors from the Africa and the African Diaspora.

Black Drama

Black Drama, Second Edition contains plays with detailed, fielded information on related productions, theaters, and production companies. The database includes selected playbills, production photographs and other ephemera related to the plays. The titles were selected with the editorial advice of James V. Hatch, co-author of “A History of African American.”

Black Short Fiction and Folklore

Black Short Fiction and Folklore contains works of short fiction by writers from Africa and the African Diaspora. The content includes materials from archives, literary magazines, and the personal collections of the authors.

Black Women Writers

Black Women Writers contains literature and essays on classism, racism, sexism, homophobia, and other issues facing African, African American, and women of the Diaspora.

Twentieth-Century African American Poetry

Twentieth-Century African American Poetry is an e-book collection of influential African American poets from the twentieth century. Coverage includes early twentieth century poets, major poets of the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Arts movement poets of the 1960s, Black Nationalist poets of the 1970s, Feminist poets of the 1980s and Afrocentric poets of the last decade.


Diaspora Resources

 Africa Bibliography

The Africa Bibliography is an authoritative guide to works in African studies published under the auspices of the International African Institute annually since 1984. This online consolidated version brings together every record collected since the bibliography's foundation, producing a rich and interactive resource for all scholars interested in the study of Africa.

 Bibliografía de la Literatura Española

The Bibliography of Spanish Literature provides access to works appearing in books, journals, and conference proceedings on subject areas including literary theory, literary genres, and popular literature.

Caribbean Literature

Caribbean Literature features regional literature created in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Creole languages. Database also includes Creole language dictionaries.

 Corpus de la Littérature Francophone de l'Afrique Noire

The Corpus is a full text collection covering French speaking Sub-Saharan Africa, from Benin to Togo. Database includes written texts and oral literature collected by missionaries, academics, administrators and military personnel that appeared in anthologies and ephemera such as parish bulletins and school report books. The literature includes novels, short stories, plays, proverbs and riddles, fables, myths and poems come from over twenty countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

 International Index to Black Periodicals (IIBP)

IIBP includes current and retrospective bibliographic citations and abstracts from scholarly and popular journals, newspapers and newsletters from the United States, Africa and the Caribbean. Coverage is global in scope and multidisciplinary, spanning cultural, economic, historical, religious, social, and political issues of vital importance to Africana Studies.

Latin American Women Writers

Latin American Women Writers collection contains essays, literary works, and memoirs by Latin American women from the colonial period in the 17th century to the present.

 Literary Map of Africa

The Literary Map of Africa is a bio-bibliographical database for research and information on African literature. The major objective is to include emerging African writers not represented in conventional bibliographies and encyclopedias.


African American and African Studies Librarian and Comparative Studies Librarian

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Leta Hendricks
she, her, hers
222B Thompson Library 1858 Neil Avenue Columbus, OH 43210