Guatemala – Resources on Various topics
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Aid and Gendered Subjectivity in Rural Guatemala. EconLit. 2017.
Assessing the accuracy of two proxy measures for BMI in a semi-rural, low-resource setting in Guatemala. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2014.
Catholic and Non-Catholic Theologies of Liberation: Poverty, Self-Improvement, and Ethics among Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Guatemala City. JSTOR Journals. 2002
Economic empowerment for people with disabilities through the graduation approach: lessons from Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Mexico. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Export-oriented garment factories do not help young women to escape from poverty in Guatemala. British Library Document Supply Centre Inside Serials & Conference Proceedings. 2015.
Fiscal Policy, Inequality, and the Ethnic Divide in Guatemala. EconLit. 2015.
Food prices and poverty negatively affect micronutrient intakes in Guatemala. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2012.
Guatemala's Maya Population Facing Deep Poverty. vLex. 2012.
Health Care in Guatemala. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Healthy casetas: A potential strategy to improve the food environment in low-income schools to reduce obesity in children in Guatemala City. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2016.
New Earth Science Study Findings Have Been Reported by J. Hellinand Colleagues (Maize Diversity, Market Access, and Poverty Reduction inthe Western Highlands of Guatemala).(Report). Global Issues in Context. 2017
Maize Diversity, Market Access, and Poverty Reduction in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. JSTOR Journals. 2017.
Pathways to adolescent childbearing among Kaqchikel women in Guatemala. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
Poverty, Genocide, and Superbugs: A Carbapenem-Resistant Wound Infection in Rural Guatemala. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Sprinkles and Spacing: Mothers' Reactions to Nutrition Programmes in Guatemala's Dry Corridor. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
The effects of changing food prices on welfare and poverty in Guatemala. : JSTOR Journals. 2011.
The Labor Topography of Central Highland Guatemala Youth: Employment Diversification, Health, and Education in the Context of Poverty. EconLit. 2014.
The Poverty-Reinforcing Violence Trap in Guatemala: The Cost of the Drug Trade and Prohibitionist Drug Policies. Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2015.
Understanding bottled water consumption in a high-poverty context: empirical evidence from a small town in Guatemala. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2017.
Urban poverty in Guatemala. Government Printing Office Catalog. 1980.
Yearning of Yalambojoch : A field study about rural poverty in northwestern Guatemala and the importance of local influence over development. Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2014.
A 4000-year lacustrine record of environmental change in the southern Maya lowlands, Peten, Guatemala. GeoRef. 2002.
A multilevel anlaysis of population and deforestation in the Natural Park Sierra de Lacandón (Petén, Guatemala). Scopus. 2008.
Analysis: Strict versus mixed-use protected areas: Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve. ScienceDirect. 2015.
Assessing Factors that Contribute to Reduced Deforestation and Successful Community Forest Management in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve. Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2014.
Communities "Manage" to Slow Deforestation. Points of View Reference Center. 2018
Deforestation of montane cloud forest in the Central Highlands of Guatemala: contributing factors and implications for sustainability in Q'eqchi' communities. Science Citation Index. 2015.
Environmental and cultural changes in highland Guatemala inferred from Lake Amatitlan sediments. GeoRef. 2011.
Exploring the impacts of sugarcane expansion in La Montaña, Guatemala: A feminist community-based research project. Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations. 2016.
Food security and land use deforestation in northern Guatemala. Agricola. 2002.
GCPs REDD desk announces new country databases tracking progress towards reducing emissions from deforestation in Colombia, Guatemala, Bolivia, Costa Rica and Vanuatu. General OneFile. 2014.
Impact of deforestation on regional surface temperatures and moisture in the Maya lowlands of Guatemala. Science Citation Index. 2009.
Institutional legacies explain the comparative efficacy of protected areas: Evidence from the Calakmul and Maya Biosphere Reserves of Mexico and Guatemala. Science Citation Index. 2018
Land-use decision-making after large-scale forest fires: Analyzing fires as a driver of deforestation in Laguna del Tigre National Park, Guatemala. ScienceDirect. 2012.
Poverty, deforestation, and land tenure institutions: The case of the communities living in Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve. Scopus Scopus. 2011
Quantification of soil erosion rates related to ancient Maya deforestation. GeoRef GeoRef. 2007.
Research article: Using spatial metrics and surveys for the assessment of trans-boundary deforestation in protected areas of the Maya Mountain Massif: Belize-Guatemala border. ScienceDirect. 2017.
Researchers from University of Belize Describe Findings inDeforestation (Using spatial metrics and surveys for the assessment oftrans-boundary deforestation in protected areas of the Maya MountainMassif: Belize-Guatemala border). Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Rumble in the jungle: timber or tourists? Environmentalists are fighting each other over how to best protect forests in Guatemala. Alternative Press Index. 2009
Soil catenas, tropical deforestation, and ancient and contemporary soil erosion in the Peten, Guatemala. GeoRef.1998.
Solving karst flooding in Las Cruces, Peten, Guatemala. GeoRef. 2013.
Strict versus mixed-use protected areas: Guatemala's Maya Biosphere Reserve. Business Source Complete. 2015.
The Holocene paleolimnology of Lake Salpeten, Guatemala. GeoRef. 2003.
The Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling Framework: An Illustration with Guatemala's Forest and Fuelwood Sectors. RePEc. 2016.
Theory and context in analyzing livelihoods, land use, and land cover: lessons from Petén, Guatemala. HLAS Online. 2014.
Tropical Deforestation, Community Forests, and Protected Areas in the Maya Forest. JSTOR Journals. 2008.
Water quality at Lago de Izabal, Guatemala; geochemical characterization and assessment of trophic status. GeoRef. 1996.
Agriculture, Land Tenure and International Migration in Rural Guatemala. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Agricultural Growth Linkages in Guatemala: New Insights from a Value Chain Approach. Business Source Complete. 2017.
Agroecology-based farming provides grounds for more resilient livelihoods among smallholders in Western Guatemala. GreenFILE. 2018.
Application of carbon isotope analysis to ancient maize agriculture in the Petexbatun region of Guatemala. GeoRef. 2007.
Carbon isotopic ratios of wetland and terrace soil sequences in the Maya Lowlands of Belize and Guatemala. GeoRef. 2011
Climate Risk and Food Availability in Guatemala. EconLit. 2018
Commercial Agriculture and Agrochemicals in Almolonga, Guatemala. JSTOR Journals. 1998.
Costs and benefits of climate-smart agriculture: The case of the Dry Corridor in Guatemala. ScienceDirect. 2017.
Does indigenous and campesino traditional agriculture have anything to contribute to food sovereignty in Latin America? Evidence from Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2018.
Environmental and cultural changes in highland Guatemala inferred from Lake Amatitlan sediments. GeoRef. 2011.
Ground water chemistry characterization using multi-criteria approach; the upper Samala River basin (SW Guatemala). GeoRef In Process. 2017.
Increasing social-ecological resilience within small-scale agriculture in conflict-affected Guatemala. Scopus. 2018.
Maya farmers and export agriculture in highland Guatemala. Alternative Press Index. 2005.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contamination in soils of San Mateo Ixtatan, Guatemala; occurrence, sources, and health risk assessment. GeoRef In Process. 2016.
Reconsidering non-traditional export agriculture and household food security: A case study in rural Guatemala. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Safety and quality assessment of smallholder farmers' maize in the western highlands of Guatemala. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2018.
Soil properties and stable carbon isotope analysis of landscape features in the Petexbatun region of Guatemala. GeoRef. 2009.
Stable carbon isotope signature of ancient maize agriculture in the soils of Motul de San Jose, Guatemala. GeoRef. 2007.
The contribution of vegetable value chains to the Guatemalan economy. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2017.
The nature and origins of linear features in the Bajo de Azucar, Guatemala; implications for ancient Maya adaptation to a changing environment. GeoRef In Process. 2017.
The SEEA-Based Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling Framework: An Illustration with Guatemala's Forest and Fuelwood Sector. EconLit. 2019.
Central America, information on migration of unaccompanied children from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras : report to congressional requesters. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2015.
Clinical Practice: Women Caught in a Culture of Violence in Guatemala. ScienceDirect. 2014.
Contemporary Coming of Age(ncy): Narratives of Political Violence and Death in El Salvador and Guatemala: 'So That Future Generations May Be Aware'. MLA International Bibliography. 2016.
Contested sovereignties: indigenous law, violence and state effects in postwar Guatemala. Alternative Press Index. 2011.
Crime, violence, and the crisis in Guatemala : a case study in the erosion of the state. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2010.
Crimes without Punishment: An Update on Violence against Women and Impunity in Guatemala. HeinOnline. 2013.
Enduring Violence: Ladina Women's Lives in Guatemala. University Press Scholarship Online. 2011
Even thousands of miles away, there's seemingly no escape from Guatemala's violence. Literature Resource Center. 2014.
Evidence of increased STI/HIV-related risk behavior among male perpetrators of intimate partner violence in Guatemala: results from a national survey. Sociological Collection. 2014.
Gangs, Violence, and Victims in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. HeinOnline. 2010.
Guatemala: eternal war, eternal struggle. Alternative Press Index. 2018.
Inequality, Ethnicity, Political Mobilisation and Political Violence in Latin America: The Cases of Bolivia, Guatemala and Peru. JSTOR Journals. 2006.
Memory and fiction in Rodrigo Rey Rosa's El material humano: The impossible representation of violence in Guatemala. Arts & Humanities Citation Index. 2017.
No Justice for Guatemalan Women: An Update Twenty Years after Guatemala's First Violence against Women Law. HeinOnline. 2018.
Persistence and Resistance: Women's Leadership and Ending Gender-Based Violence in Guatemala. HeinOnline. 2015.
Postwar Violence in Guatemala: A Mirror of the Relationship between Youth and Adult Society. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2014.
Promoting Domestic Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: The Cases of Guatemala, Peru, and Colombia. HeinOnline. 2016.
Resocializing suffering: neoliberalism, accusation and the sociopolitical context of Guatemala's new violence. Alternative Press Index. 2008.
Sexual violence as a crime against humanity: the cases of Guatemala and Peru. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2017.
Subverting Justice: Socio-Legal Determinants of Impunity for Violence against Women in Guatemala. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2016.
The dilemma of lawlessness : organized crime, violence, prosperity, and security along Guatemala's borders. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2016.
The Hidden Story - Violence and the Law in Guatemala. HeinOnline. 2006.
The Spectrality of Political Violence: Exhuming Guatemala's Haunted Past in Tanya María Barrientos's Family Resemblance and Sylvia Seller's When the Ground Turns in Its Sleep. MLA International Bibliography. 2016.
Using 'Participatory' Methods with Young People in Contexts of Violence: Reflections from Guatemala. JSTOR Journals. 2007.
VIGILANTE: Violence and Security in Postwar Guatemala. eScholarship. 2014.
Viewing Gendered Violence in Guatemala Through Photovoice. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Violence and visibility in oil palm and sugarcane conflicts: the case of Polochic Valley, Guatemala. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Violence at Work and Mental Distress among Firefighters in Guatemala. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Wartime Sexual Violence in Guatemala and Peru. JSTOR Journals. 2009
What drives violence against civilians in civil war? Evidence from Guatemala's conflict archives. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018
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