Japan - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Alexis Parker and Ann Marie Davis
Chapple, Julian. The Dilemma Posed by Japan’s Population Decline. 18 Oct. 2004, https://www.japanesestudies.org.uk/discussionpapers/Chapple.html.
Huen, Yuki W. P. “Policy Response to Declining Birth Rate in Japan: Formation of a ‘Gender-Equal’ Society.” East Asia, vol. 24, no. 4, Dec. 2007, pp. 365–79. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s12140-007-9026-8.
Oshio, Takashi. The Declining Birthrate in Japan. 2008, p. 10.
Shirahase, Sawako. “Women’s Increased Higher Education and the Declining Fertility Rate in Japan.” Review of Population and Social Policy, vol. 9, 2000, pp. 47–63.
Ueno, Chizuko. “The Declining Birthrate: Whose Problem?” Review of Population and Social Policy, vol. 7, 1998, pp. 103–28.
Abe, Aya K. Poverty and Social Exclusion of Women in Japan. 2012, p. 22.
Hayakawa, Kazuo. “Housing Poverty in Japan.” Ekistics, vol. 50, no. 298, 1983, pp. 4–9. JSTOR.
Mira D’Ercole, Marco. “Income Inequality and Poverty in OECD Countries: How Does Japan Compare?” The Japanese Journal of Social Security Policy, vol. 5, no. 1, June 2006, pp. 1–15.
Sekine, Yuki. The Rise of Poverty in Japan: The Emergence of the Working Poor. Vol. 5, no. 4, 2008, p. 18.
Tachibanaki, Toshiaki, and Kunio Urakawa. Trends in Poverty among Low-Income Workers in Japan since the Nineties. Vol. 5, no. 4, 2008, p. 28.
Takanami, Keiko. Rising Income Inequality and Poverty in Japan. Arts and Letters, 2010. sdsu-dspace.calstate.edu, doi:http://hdl.handle.net/10211.10/613.
Barrett, Kelly. “Women in the Workplace: Sexual Discrimination in Japan.” The Human Rights Brief: Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, vol. 11, no. 2, 2004, pp. 1–4.
Estévez-Abe, Margarita. “An International Comparison of Gender Equality: Why Is the Japanese Gender Gap So Persistent?.” Japan Labor Review, vol. 10, no. 2, 2013, pp. 82–100.
Houseman, Susan N., and Katharine G. Abraham. “Female Workers as a Buffer in the Japanese Economy.” The American Economic Review, vol. 83, no. 2, 1993, pp. 45–51.
Watanabe, Agnes, and Edwin L. Herr. “Career Development Issues among Japanese Work Groups.” Journal of Career Development, vol. 20, no. 1, Sept. 1993, pp. 61–72. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/BF02105205.
Weathers, Charles. “Changing White‐collar Workplaces and Female Temporary Workers in Japan.” Social Science Japan Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, Oct. 2001, pp. 201–18. academic.oup.com, doi:10.1093/ssjj/4.2.201.
Ducanes, Geoffrey, and Manolo Abella. “Labour Shortage Responses in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Malaysia: A Review and Evaluation.” International Labor Organization Asian Regional Programme on Governance of Labour Migration Working Paper, vol. 2, Jan. 2008, pp. 1–57.
Fujimura, Hiroyuki, et al. Japan Labor Review, Vol. 2, No. 4. 2005. Zotero, https://www.jil.go.jp/english/JLR/documents/2005/JLR08.pdf#page=9.
Yamanaka, Keiko. “New Immigration Policy and Unskilled Foreign Workers in Japan.” Pacific Affairs, vol. 66, no. 1, 1993, pp. 72–90. JSTOR, JSTOR, doi:10.2307/2760016.
Gender equality
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
At the Crossroads of Equality Versus Protection: American Occupationnaire Women and Socialist Feminism in US Occupied Japan, 1945-1952. Academic OneFile. 2017.
Beyond formal representation: Case studies of women's participation in civil society in Japan. Academic OneFile. 2019.
Decomposing Vietnamese gender equality in terms of wage distribution. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Empirical analysis of the effects of increasing wage inequalities on marriage behaviors in Japan. Academic OneFile. 2017.
Gender and Value Orientations: What's the Difference!? The Case of Japan and the United States. JSTOR Journals. 2006.
“Gender Free” Feminism in Japan: A Story of Mainstreaming and Backlash. Sociological Collection. 2014.
Japan's Womenomics Diplomacy: Fighting Stigma and Constructing ODA Leadership on Gender Equality. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2017.
Mission Completed? Changing Visibility of Women's Colleges in England and Japan and Their Roles in Promoting Gender Equality in Science. Education Research Complete. 2010.
Past and Present Constraints on Labor Movements for Gender Equality in Japan. JSTOR Journals. 2009.
Promoting gender equality in a challenging environment: The case of Scandinavian subsidiaries in Japan. Scopus. 2018.
School education and development of gender perspectives and sexuality in Japan. Professional Development Collection. 2017.
Separate Spheres or Increasing Equality? Changing Gender Beliefs in Postwar Japan. JSTOR Journals. 210.
The Husband’s Chastity: Progress, Equality, and Difference in 1930s Japan. JSTOR Journals. 2013.
The International Movement Toward Gender Equality and Its Impact on Japan. JSTOR Journals. 1993.
What prevents public and private workers in Japan from recognizing gender inequality? Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Will Japan 'Lean In' to Gender Equality? ProjectMUSE. 2016.
Domestic Abuse
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
A comparison of maltreated children and non-maltreated children on their experiences with animals--a Japanese study. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2010.
Association between maternal intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy and maternal abusive behavior towards infants at 4 months of age in Japan. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2016.
Breaking the web of abuse and silence: voices of battered women in Japan. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2001
Comparison of perceptions of domestic elder abuse among healthcare workers based on the Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior (KAB) model. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Cumulative risk effect of household dysfunction for child maltreatment after intensive intervention of the child protection system in Japan: a longitudinal analysis. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Domestic Violence in Japan. Business Source Complete. 1999.
Fatal child abuse in Japan: Does a trend exist toward tougher sentencing? SocINDEX with Full Text. 2011.
Foreign direct investment with host country market structures, with empirical application to Japan. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Risk of intimate partner violence: Role of childhood sexual abuse and sexual initiation in women in Japan. Social Sciences Citation Index Social Sciences Citation Index. 2010.
Testing a cascade model of linkage between child abuse and negative mental health among battered women in Japan. Scopus Scopus. 2013.
The impact of childhood abuse history, domestic violence and mental health symptoms on parenting behaviour among mothers in Japan. Professional Development Collection. 2012.
The reflexive role of tanka poetry in domestic abuse research. PsycINFO. 2016.
Through the Lens of Gender: Domestic Abuse of Older Women in England and Japan. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2011.
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Caregivers’ education decreases depression symptoms and burden in caregivers of patients with dementia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2018
Development of a consensus syllabus of palliative medicine for physicians in Japan using a modified Delphi method. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2019.
Development of bilateral science education program by engineering students: Case of joint curriculum planning in Japan and Thailand. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2017.
Education and the Public Goods Type of Social Capital: Are the Well Educated Free Riding in the Provision of Public Goods? Business Source Complete. 2018.
Designing a MOOC as an online community to encourage international students to study abroad. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
Disability and Career Services Provision for Students with Disabilities at Institutions of Higher Education in Japan: An Overview of Key Legislation, Policies, and Practices. Education Research Complete. 2017.
Do teaching practices matter for students' academic achievement? A case of linguistic activity. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Epistemological obstacles in linking food education and food systems: through the systematic review on food education research in Japan. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2018.
Ethics and Internationalism in Japanese Education, 1933–45. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
Funding model and creativity in science: Competitive versus block funding and status contingency effects. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Gender gaps in STEM in Japanese academia: The impact of research productivity, outside offers, and home life on pay. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Higher education financing in Japan: Trends and challenges. Business Source Complete. 2018.
How does early childcare enrollment affect children, parents, and their interactions? Business Source Complete. 2018.
Japan’s colonial policies – from national assimilation to the Kominka Movement: a comparative study of primary education in Taiwan and Korea (1937–1945). Humanities International Complete. 2017.
Japan's English-medium instruction initiatives and the globalization of higher education. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). 2018.
Mathematics Teacher Education: Some Lessons from "Lessons Studies". Academic Search Complete. 2018.
Metrics in education—control and corruption. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
Motives, beliefs, and perceptions among learners affect preparatory learning strategies. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
School education and development of gender perspectives and sexuality in Japan. Education Research Complete. 2017.
Science Subjects Studied and Relation to Income after University Graduation--An Empirical Analysis in Japan. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). 2018.
Similarities and Differences on Higher Education Policy across the Pacific Rim: Japan, Malaysia and Mexico. Education Research Complete.2018.
Teacher Training Policies in Japan in the Context of Ethical Values. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Teachers' Perspective on Sexual Health and Relationship Education in Northern Prefecture in Japan: A Qualitative Study. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2018.
The actual conditions of traditional Japanese Kampo education in all the pharmacy schools in Japan: a questionnaire survey after the enforcement of the new national 2015 core curriculum. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2018.
The impact of mass and universal higher education on curriculum and instruction: case studies of China and Japan. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). 2017.
The invention, gaming, and persistence of the hensachi (‘standardised rank score’) in Japanese education. Education Research Complete. 2018.
The Research about Application of Computer Network Aided Instruction in Japanese Teaching Reform. Academic Search Complete. 2018.
The rise of the far right in Japan, and challenges posed for education. Education Research Complete. 2018.
THE STATE OF DISTANCE EDUCATION IN JAPAN. Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). 2017.
Transfers of General Education from the United States to East Asia: Case Studies of Japan, China, and Hong Kong. ProjectMUSE. 2018.
Warning! Increases in interest without enjoyment may not be trend predictive of genuine interest in learning science. Business Source Complete. 2018.
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