Indonesia - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Alexis Parker and Ann Marie Davis
Defense Technical Information Center. Indonesia: An Environmental Security Assessment. 1998. Internet Archive,
---. Labor and Population Program: The Dangers of Smoke Haze. Mortality in Malaysia from Indonesian Forest Fires. 2002. Internet Archive,
Ho, Roger C., et al. Impact of 2013 South Asian Haze Crisis: Study of Physical and Psychological Symptoms and Perceived Dangerousness of Pollution Level. 2014. Internet Archive,
Izzati, Titia. “An Initial Study of the Air Pollution Through Rainwater in an Industrial Area of Cikarang, West Java, Indonesia (A Case Study).” Science International, vol. 29, no. 2, 2017.
Bang, Young Ho. One Dollar a Day: Poverty in Indonesia. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Dorrance Pub., 1999. Internet Archive,
Defense Technical Information Center. Conceptualizing Poverty: A Look Inside the Indonesian Household. 1999. Internet Archive,
Jan Priebe, Fiona Howell. Old-Age Poverty in Indonesia: Empirical Evidence and Policy Options—A Role for Social Pensions. 2014. Internet Archive,
Stern, Joseph J. The Rise and Fall of the Indonesian Economy. SSRN Scholarly Paper, ID 421182, Social Science Research Network, 1 June 2003.,
Weisbrod, Julian. “Pathways out of Poverty in Indonesia.” Growth, Poverty and Inequality Dynamics, NED-New edition, Peter Lang AG, 2008, pp. 71–94. JSTOR, JSTOR,
Natural Disaster Preparation /Natural Disaster
Djalante, Riyanti, et al. “Building Resilience to Natural Hazards in Indonesia: Progress and Challenges in Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action.” Natural Hazards, vol. 62, no. 3, July 2012, pp. 779–803. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0106-8.
Kusumasari, Bevaola, and Quamrul Alam. “Bridging the Gaps: The Role of Local Government Capability and the Management of a Natural Disaster in Bantul, Indonesia.” Natural Hazards, vol. 60, no. 2, Jan. 2012, pp. 761–79. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s11069-011-0016-1.
Leitmann, Josef. “Cities and Calamities: Learning from Post-Disaster Response in Indonesia.” Journal of Urban Health, vol. 84, no. 1, May 2007, pp. 144–53. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s11524-007-9182-6.
Marfai, Muh Aris, and Lorenz King. “Coastal Flood Management in Semarang, Indonesia.” Environmental Geology, vol. 55, no. 7, Oct. 2008, pp. 1507–18. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s00254-007-1101-3.
Nobles, Jenna, et al. “The Effects of Mortality on Fertility: Population Dynamics After a Natural Disaster.” Demography, vol. 52, no. 1, Feb. 2015, pp. 15–38. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s13524-014-0362-1.
Schiller, Jim, et al. “Learning from the East Java Mudflow: Disaster Politics in Indonesia.” Indonesia, no. 85, 2008, pp. 51–77.
Siagian, Tiodora Hadumaon, et al. “Social Vulnerability to Natural Hazards in Indonesia: Driving Factors and Policy Implications.” Natural Hazards, vol. 70, no. 2, Jan. 2014, pp. 1603–17. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s11069-013-0888-3.
Strunz, G., et al. “Tsunami Risk Assessment in Indonesia.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2011, pp. 67–82., doi:
Wong, Po Yin, and Philip H. Brown. Natural Disasters and Vulnerability: Evidence from the 1997 Forest Fires in Indonesia. 2011, p. 24.
Damanhuri, Enri, and Tri Padmi. Chapter 2. Current Situation of Waste Recycling in Indonesia. 2009, p. 31.
---. Reuse and Recycling as a Solution to Urban Solid Waste Problems in Indonesia. 2000, p. 6.
Dunais, Marc-Antoine. Cost Benefit Analysis of Aseptic Carton Recycling in Bandung, Indonesia. p. 31
Plastic Pollution
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers from textiles in fish and bivalves sold for human consumption. Science Citation Index. 2015.
Beach macro-litter monitoring and floating microplastic in a coastal area of Indonesia. ScienceDirect. 2017.
Designing portable chopping plastic waste machine utilizing electric motor. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Eco-building Material of Styrofoam Waste and Sugar Industry Fly-ash based on Nano-technology. Supplemental Index. 2014.
Fuel Production from LDPE Plastic Waste over Natural Zeolite Supported Ni, Ni-Mo, Co and Co-Mo Metals. ScienceDirect. 2014.
Inorganic and Hazardous Solid Waste Management: Current Status and Challenges for Indonesia. ScienceDirect. 2013.
Morals, money or the master: The adoption of eco-friendly reusable bags. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Multiple approaches to assessing the risk posed by anthropogenic plastic debris. ScienceDirect. 2019.
Plastic waste management in Jakarta, Indonesia: evaluation of material flow and recycling scheme. Scopus. 2018.
Preliminary Study on Plastic Waste Handling in Semarang City - Indonesia: Estimated Generation and Existing Management. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Soil contamination by brominated flame retardants in open waste dumping sites in Asian developing countries. ScienceDirect. 2013.
The effectiveness of a community education programme in reducing litter pollution on shores of Ambon Bay (eastern Indonesia). Scopus. 1998.
The Glycerol Effect on Mechanical Behaviour of Biodegradable Plastic from the Walur (Amorphophallus paenifolius Var. sylvestris). Environment Complete. 2017.
The impact of plastic debris on the biota of tidal flats in Ambon Bay (Eastern Indonesia). Environment Complete. 1997.
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
A Group Approach in a Community Empowerment: A Case Study of Waste Recycling Group in Jakarta. ERIC. 2016.
A Review of Recycling of Human Excreta to Energy through Biogas Generation: Indonesia Case. ScienceDirect. 2015.
Community-based solid waste bank program for municipal solid waste management improvement in Indonesia: a case study of Padang city. Environment Complete. 2017.
Current Issues and Situation of Producer Responsibility in Waste Management in Indonesia. Environment Complete. 2018.
Development of community-based waste recycling (garbage bank and 3R waste treatment facility) for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Padang City, Indonesia. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2016.
E-waste recycling processes in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam: A case study of cathode ray tube TVs and monitors. ScienceDirect. 2016.
Environmental analyses of waste cooking oil recycling and complete use practices in Bogor, Indonesia. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2013.
Estimating the possible range of recycling rates achieved by dump waste pickers: The case of Bantar Gebang in Indonesia. Science Citation Index. 2014.
Mobile application development for environmental informatics and feedback on cooking oil use and disposal in Indonesia. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2014.
Recycling of plastic packaging waste in Bandung City, Indonesia. Environment Complete. 2014.
Quantification of greenhouse gas emissions from municipal solid waste recycling and disposal in Malang city Indonesia. Scopus. 2017.
Study of recycling demolition waste material product in Jakarta, Indonesia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
The development of landfill operation and management in Indonesia. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Water recycling opportunity in the business sectors of Greater Jakarta, Indonesia. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. 2017.
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