Kuwait - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Access to Health Care
Assessment of patient safety culture: a nationwide survey of community pharmacists in Kuwait. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Assessing the impact of healthcare accreditation from the perspective of professionals in primary healthcare centres : a mixed methods case study from Kuwait. British Library EThOS. 2017.
Bid to enhance medical care Kuwait, South Korea discuss ways to promote closer medical cooperation. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Faculty of Dentistry, Kuwait University, designated as a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Primary Oral Health Care. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2014.
Health Services for Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain in Kuwait: A Case Study Review. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2016
Healthcare of Aging Population of Kuwait. AgeLine. 2015.
Improving Emergency Department Services Using Simulation: Case Study of Kuwait Hospital. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2017.
Kuwait signs $80m contracts for five healthcare projects in Tunisia. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2017.
Kuwait supports Iraq healthcare projects. Global Issues in Context. 2019.
New doctors added value to health care in Kuwait: Minister. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Practicing breast self-examination among women attending primary health care in Kuwait. ScienceDirect. 2013.
Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions in Primary Care Settings in Kuwait: A Comparative Study of Physicians and Pharmacists. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
The demand for medical care services: evidence from Kuwait based on households’ out-of-pocket expenses. Business Source Complete. 2018.
Third Kuwait International Conference on Life S(KICLS' 2018) Kuwait University, November 27–29, 2018 Web page: http://www.kic-LifeSciences.org. Global Issues in Context. 2019.
Aim to decrease plastic pollutants Kuwait, UNEP sign MoU as part of global Clean Seas campaign. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Can Recycled Plastic Save Kuwait's Roads? Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Canada Kuwait Petrochemical Corp. Chooses Honeywell Technology for New Complex in Alberta; Honeywell UOP's Oleflex technology addresses supply gap for one of the key ingredients of plastics. Academic OneFile. 2017.
Combined toxicity of mercury and plastic wastes to crustacean and gastropod inhabiting the waters in Kuwait. Environment Complete. 2015.
Country Report: Establishing an integrated databank for plastic manufacturers and converters in Kuwait. ScienceDirect. 2009
EQUATE boosts its sustainability awareness campaign in Kuwait on plastics, recycling. Business Insights: Essentials. 2018.
Equate Continues Educating Youth in Kuwait on Plastics and Recycling. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Equate continues 'Plastic Awareness Campaign' in Kuwait. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2018.
Findings from Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research HasProvided New Data on Environmental Management [A review on thermal andcatalytic pyrolysis of plastic solid waste (PSW)].(Report). Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Kuwait: EQUATE Supports GPCA PlastiCon 2017 Conference, Showcasing the Value Chain in the Plastics Industry. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2017.
Kuwait : EQUATE Wins GPCA Plastics Excellence Award 2015 For itsrole in developing a Polyethylene grade used in manufacturingplastics. Global Issues in Context. 2017
Kuwait holds plastic arts expo Monday. Global Issues in Context. 2019.
Kuwait is free from 'plastic rice' -- Ministry of Commerce. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2017.
More men in Kuwait turning to plastic surgery to satisfy need for'perfection'. Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Plastic Solid Waste Assessment in the State of Kuwait and Proposed Methods of Recycling. OpenAIRE. 2007.
Research article: Influential parameters on natural weathering under harsh climatic conditions of mechanically recycled plastic film specimens. ScienceDirect. 2019.
Water Quality
Assessment of water quality and bottom sediment in the coastal area in state of Kuwait; a case study. GeoRef In Process. 2018.
Baseline screening for the presence of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolated from Kuwait's marine environment. Agricola. 2018.
Changes in the water quality conditions of Kuwait's marine waters: Long term impacts of nutrient enrichment. ScienceDirect. 2015.
Historical evaluation of hydrological and water quality changes of southern Kuwait groundwater system. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Microbial water quality and sedimentary faecal sterols as markers of sewage contamination in Kuwait. GeoRef. 2015.
Numerical modeling of ground-water resource management options in Kuwait. SciTech Connect. 2018.
Physical and chemical characteristics of drinking water quality in Kuwait: tap vs. bottled water. BASE. 2015.
Spatial and temporal characterizations of water quality in Kuwait Bay. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2014.
Spatial assessment of monitoring network in coastal waters: a case study of Kuwait Bay. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2015.
The quality of marine water around a sewage outfall. Africa-Wide Information. 1999.
Water quality description and modelling for south of Kuwait: Az-Zour area. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2010.
Women’s Education
A qualitative study to determine Kuwaiti Women's knowledge of breast cancer and barriers deterring attendance at mammography screening. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2019.
Are women in Kuwait aware of breast cancer and its diagnostic procedures? MEDLINE with Full Text. 2014
Education, job satisfaction and gender in Kuwait. Business Source Complete. 2001.
Kuwait Education Min. opens first woman forum. Global Issues in Context. 2011
Power and Representation: Social Change, Gender Relations, and the Education of Women in Kuwait. MLA International Bibliography. 1001.
Reluctant Feminists? Islamist MP s and the Representation of Women in Kuwait after 2005. Arts & Humanities Citation Index. 2017.
The development of modern education in Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar with special reference to the education of women and their position in modern Gulf society. British Library EThOS. 1948.
The perceptions of female media professionals in Kuwait about their job: an empowerment perspective. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2016.
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and Gendered Math Teaching in Kuwait. ERIC. 2017.
Vocational education and training in Kuwait: Vocational education versus values and viewpoints. Informit Humanities & Social Sciences Collection. 2011
Women and non-governmental organizations in Kuwait: a platform for human resource development and social change. Business Source Complete. 2011.
Women in computing A case study about Kuwait. IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2013.
Women, Modernization, and Education in Kuwait. JSTOR Journals. 1979.
Assessing Oral Cancer Knowledge Among Undergraduate Dental Students in Kuwait University. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2015.
Benchmarking the health of health sciences students at Kuwait University: towards a culture of health. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2016.
Determinants of smoking initiation and smoking cessation among employees of oil companies in Kuwait. Academic Search Complete. 2013.
Discordance between Lifestyle-Related Health Practices and Beliefs of People Living in Kuwait: A Community-Based Study. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
Global anti-smoking conf. opens in Kuwait. Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Prevalence ofAtopic Dermatitis among Adolescents in Kuwait).(Report). Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Kuwait airport's smoking room catches limited fire. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Kuwait Cardiac Society (KCS) calls for quitting smoking. Global Issues in Context. 2015.
Kuwait: Need to rid region of polio, fight smoking. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2017.
Kuwait uniformed officer jailed for smoking shisha. Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Kuwaiti man smoking narghile, Kuwait City, Kuwait. Bridgeman Education
Low Prevalence of Nodules in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Kuwait: A Description and a Comparison of Patients from the Kuwait Registry for Rheumatic Diseases. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
Motivation for smoking in male college students in Kuwait. Scopus. 2016.
Movenpick is first Kuwait hotel to ban smoking. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2012.
Preparedness for the smoking cessation role among health sciences students in Kuwait. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2011.
Psychosocial perspective and suicidal behaviors correlated with adolescent male smoking and illicit drug use. Science Citation Index. 2018.
Smoking behavior of males attending the quit tobacco clinics in Bahrain and their knowledge on tobacco smoking health hazards. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Smoking, belt use, and road accidents of youth in Kuwait. ScienceDirect. 2006.
Smoking cessation practices in Kuwaiti general dental clinics. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2013.
Smoking patterns and smoking cessation counseling practices among medical students in Kuwait. Science Citation Index. 2015.
Sociocultural and Demographic Risk Factors for the Development of Multiple Sclerosis in Kuwait: A Case - Control Study. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2015.
Support for enforcement of Kuwait smoking ban. Global Issues in Context. 2010.
The fight against public smoking: universities. General OneFile. 2018.
The role of clinical pharmacy in the treatment of hypertension in the State of Kuwait : an analysis of the current treatment of hypertension in Kuwait and the role of the clinical pharmacist in advancing treatment strategies. British Library EThOS. 2012
Tobacco cessation support among dentists: A cross-sectional survey in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. BASE. 2017.
Waterpipe smoking in Kuwait. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2010.
Domestic Violence
العنف الأسري وأثره في التحصيل الدراسي : دراسة ميدانية على تلميذات الصف السادس الإعدادي : نماذج من المدارس الحكومية في محافظة الجهراء بدولة الكويت. Al Manhal Collections. 2015.
إشكالية العنف الأسري ضد المرأة في المجتمع الكويتي : الواقع و الرؤية. Al Manhal Collections. 2013.
Attitude of Primary Health Care Physicians in Kuwait Towards Domestic Violence Against Women. Africa-Wide Information. 2010
Attitudes towards Violence against Women in Kuwait. JSTOR Journals.
العنف الأسري وعلاقته بالاضطرابات السيكوسوماتية لدى طلبة المرحلة الثانوية في دولة الكويت / The Domestic Violence and its Relationship with Psychosomatic Disorders among Secondary School Students at Kuwait State. Zad Dissertations 2007.
Domestic violence; a killing in Kuwait: family intrigue or terror attack? Some say politics motivated jailing of wife in murder of her Canadian husband; balancing Islamists, expats. General OneFile. 2002.
Domestic violence common in Kuwait. General Reference Center Gold. 2007.
Domestic violence discussed at Kuwait Human RightsSociety. Global Issues in Context. 2015.
Hidden pain... physical abuse against women in Kuwait. Global Issues in Context. 2017.
Kuwait Supreme Family Council members discuss domestic social developments. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2017.
Kuwait Times:; Domestic violence common in Kuwait. NewsBank. 2007.
One in three women in Kuwait 'a domestic violence victim'. General Reference Center Gold. 2011.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Barriers for domestic violence screening in primary health care centers. ScienceDirect. 2013.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Knowledge and attitude of primary health care staff screening and not screening for domestic violence against women. ScienceDirect. 2013.
The Survey of Reasons and Parameters of Domestic Violence against the Women. Al Manhal Collections. 2014.
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