Saudi Arabia - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
Water/Air pollution
234U/238U activity ratios in groundwaters from two aquifers in Saudi Arabia, and correlation with water chemistry. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Assessment of fog collection as a sustainable water resource in the southwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2018.
Assessment of Heavy and Trace Metals in Surface Soil Nearby an Oil Refinery, Saudi Arabia, Using Geoaccumulation and Pollution Indices. Scopus. 2018.
Assessment of radiation dose from radon ingestion and inhalation in commercially bottled drinking water and its annual effective dose in Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2019.
Assessment of the organotin pollution in the coastal sediments of the Western Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2019.
Association of fine particulate air pollution with cardiopulmonary morbidity in Western Coast of Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2017.
Benthic Foraminifera in hypersaline Salwa Bay (Saudi Arabia); an insight into future climate change in the Gulf region? GeoRef. 2018.
Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from coastal water in Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2018
Daily air pollution levels and asthma : exploring the influence of time-activity patterns on personal exposure in Al Jubail industrial city, Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2017.
Desert Kingdom: How Oil and Water Forged Modern Saudi Arabia. ndex to Jewish Periodicals. 2017.
Distribution of mercury in molluscs, seawaters and coastal sediments of Tarut Island, Arabian Gulf, Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2016.
Development of a palaeovalley complex on a Late Ordovician glaciated margin in NW Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2018
Diversity of fungi in bottled water in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2018.
Dolomite and dolomitization of the Permian Khuff-C reservoir in Ghawar Field, Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2017.
Effect of flash flood on trace metal pollution in the groundwater - Wadi Baysh Basin, western Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2018.
Effect of flash flood on trace metal pollution in the groundwater - Wadi Baysh Basin, western Saudi Arabia. GeoRef In Process. 2018.
Fluoride concentration of water supply in Eastern Saudi Arabia: A preliminary study. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Financial Market Development and Pollution Nexus in Saudi Arabia: Asymmetrical Analysis. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Geophysical assessment of the environmental pollution at downstream of Wadi Uranah, Southwest of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2018.
Grafting improves cucumber water stress tolerance in Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Gravity interpretation to image the geologic structures of the coastal zone in Al Qunfudhah area, southwest Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2018.
Groundwater management scenarios for the Biyadh-Wasia Aquifer systems in the eastern part of Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2017.
Groundwater pollution risk mapping using modified DRASTIC model in parts of Hail region of Saudi Arabia. DBPIA. 2018.
How Jordan and Saudi Arabia are avoiding a tragedy of the commons over shared groundwater. GeoRef. 2017.
Insights into Brevibacillus borstelensis AK1 through Whole Genome Sequencing: A Thermophilic Bacterium Isolated from a Hot Spring in Saudi Arabia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2018.
Isolation, identification of pathogenic Acanthamoeba from drinking and recreational water sources in Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Isolation, molecular characterization, and antibiotic resistance patterns of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from coastal water in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Isotopic composition of bottled water in Saudi Arabia. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Monitoring Water Pollution Levels in Wadi Hanifa, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and its Public Health Implications. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
Occurrence of radon in ground water of Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2014
Reactivation of the Pleistocene trans-Arabian Wadi ad Dawasir fluvial system (Saudi Arabia) during the Holocene humid phase. GeoRef. 2016.
Regional Disparity in Access to Basic Public Services in Saudi Arabia: A Sustainability Challenge. EconLit. 2018.
Risk assessment through evaluation of potentially toxic metals in the surface soils of the Qassim area, central Saudi Arabia. GeoRef. 2016.
Role of Seawater Desalination in the Management of an Integrated Water and 100% Renewable Energy Based Power Sector in Saudi Arabia. Environment Complete. 2018.
Simplified Modeling and Analysis of the Fog Water Harvesting System in the Asir Region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 2018.
The elemental geochemistry of Lower Triassic shallow-marine carbonates from central Saudi Arabia; implications for redox conditions in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian mass extinction GeoRef In Proces. 2018.
The role that battery and water storage play in Saudi Arabia's transition to an integrated 100% renewable energy power system. Scopus. 2018.
The sustainability of Saudi Arabia's water resources from the past decade; a remote sensing approach. GeoRef In Process. 2018
Uptake and accumulation of emerging contaminants in soil and plant treated with wastewater under real-world environmental conditions in the Al Hayer area (Saudi Arabia). MEDLINE with Full Text. 2019.
A Social Robotic Obesity Management and Awareness System for Children in Saudi Arabia. Computers & Applied Sciences Complete. 2018.
Assessment Of Knowledge And Attitude Towards Child Obesity In Riyadh Population, Saudi Arabia.BASE. 2018.
Association of anthropometric measurements with oxidant-antioxidant status among young Saudi females. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2018.
Association of overweight and obesity with decline in academic performance among female high-school students, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017.
Awareness, Attitudes And Background Information about The Surgical Options in The Treatment of Obesity Among The General Adult Population in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Coexistence of Prehypertension and Hypertension and Obesity in Young Adults in Arar, Saudi Arabia. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Concordance of obesity classification between body mass index and percent body fat among school children in Saudi Arabia. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2015.
Effect of price and information on the food choices of women university students in Saudi Arabia: an experimental study. FSTA - Food Science and Technology Abstracts. 2018.
Fast food consumption and increased body mass index as risk factors for weight gain and obesity in Saudi Arabia. FSTA - Food Science and
Technology Abstracts. 2017.
Genetic, dietary, and non-dietary risk factors of obesity among preparatory-year female students at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia. ScienceDirect. 2017.
Histopathological Findings in Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Specimens from Patients with Obesity in Saudi Arabia. BASE. 2018.
Knowledge and Awareness towards Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Factors in Saudi Arabia. Airiti Library . 2018.
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Female Students towards CVD and Prevalence of Obesity and Hypertension in Arar, Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
Overweight and obesity in association with factors related to breastfeeding in Arar, Northern Saudi Arabia. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its relation with obesity in Turaif (Saudi Arabia) in 2017. BASE. 2017.
Prevalence of overweight and obesity based on the body mass index; a cross-sectional study in Alkharj, Saudi Arabia. MEDLINE with Full Text.
Rapid onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation and autonomic dysregulation in children: a case series from Saudi Arabia. Academic Search Complete. 2019.
Relationship between early menarche, obesity, and disordered eating behaviors: a school-based cross-sectional survey in Northern Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018.
The Impact of Skipping Breakfast on the Body Weight of Children and Young People in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2018
Would quantified self prevent obesity and diabetes among adults in Saudi Arabia? IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2017.
Skin Problems
Bipolaris: A plant pathogen causing human infections: An emerging problem in Saudi Arabia. Scopus. 2010.
Diseases pattern among patients attending Holy Mosque (Haram) Medical Centers during Hajj 1434 (2013). Africa-Wide Information. 2015.
Knowledge About the Prevalence of Acne Scars, Skin Hyperpigmentation, Chloasma and cin Hail's Community, Saudi Arabia. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Mobile teledermatology - patient satisfaction, diagnostic and management concordance, and factors affecting patient refusal to participate in Saudi Arabia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2013.
Pattern of Dermatological Disease Encountered in a Hematology Ward: A Retrospective Analysis of Dermatology Consultation in a Hematology Ward in a Tertiary Care Center in Saudi Arabia. Directory of Open Access Journals
Pattern of skin diseases among pilgrims during Hajj season in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. Journals@OVID. 2000.
Pigmentary demarcation lines on the face in Saudi women. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2010
Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency and Calcium Homeostasis in Saudi Children. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2016.
Profiles of airborne fungi in schools of Saudi Arabia in relation to the allergy problems and respiratory diseases. AGRIS. 2007.
Quality of Life in Family Members of Vitiligo Patients: A Questionnaire Study in Saudi Arabia. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2013.
Spectrum of viral skin infections in patients attending the dermatology clinic at King Fahd Hospital of the University in Alkhobar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period 2010-2014. Directory of Open Access Journals. 2017
Validation of an Egyptian Arabic Version of Skindex-16 and Quality of Life Measurement in Egyptian Patients with Skin Disease. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018
Food Shortage
Viability of Saudi Arabian Agriculture. BASE. 1988.
An assessment of environmental awareness in an industrial city : A study of environmental awareness among school students in Saudi Arabia. Emerald Insight. 2013.
An educational programme for nursing college staff and students during a MERS- coronavirus outbreak in Saudi Arabia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2015.
An exploratory study on educating learners with ASD in primary inclusive setting in Saudi Arabia : issues, attitudes, and challenges. British Library EThOS. 2017.
An investigation into the perceptions of school counsellors in relation to providing counselling for students with special needs in Saudi Arabia schools. British Library EThOS. 2018.
Developing and evaluating an arts therapies programme for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in primary schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). British Library EThOS. 2016.
Dissonance Between the "International" and the Conservative "National": Challenges Facing School Leaders in International Schools in Saudi Arabia. Social Sciences Citation Index. 2018.
Exploring Muslim Attitudes Towards Corporate Social Responsibility: Are Saudi Business Students Different? Education Full Text (H.W. Wilson). 2019.
Factors affecting body weight in boys in primary school, Makkah, Saudi Arabia : a comparative case study. British Library EThOS.2017.
International Education Issues in Saudi Arabia's Public Education Curricula: An Analytical Study. ERIC. 2015.
Journeys of mothers of adolescents with autism in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia : issues of justice? British Library EThOS. 2017.
Outside the margins: A Capabilities Approach to understanding mothers’ experiences accessing education services for their autistic adolescent sons in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. ScienceDirect. 2018.
Measuring E-Learning Readiness among EFL Teachers in Intermediate Public Schools in Saudi Arabia. ERIC. 2013.
Medical students' perception of their educational environment at Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Academic Search Complete. 2019.
Metacognition in the mathematics classroom : an exploration of the perceptions of teachers and students in secondary schools in Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2016.
Parental participation in the education of students with learning disabilities in Saudi Arabia. PsycINFO. 2019.
Proposed Model for Innovation of Community Colleges to Meet Labor Market Needs in Saudi Arabia. ERIC. 2015.
Recommended sanctions for lapses in professionalism by student and faculty respondents to Dundee Polyprofessionalism Inventory I: Academic Integrity in one medical school in Saudi Arabia. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2015.
Self reported awareness of child maltreatment among school professionals in Saudi Arabia: Impact of CRC ratification. Social Work Abstracts. 2011.
Short Vowels versus Word Familiarity in the Reading Comprehension of Arab Readers: A Revisited Issue. ERIC. 2016.
Social barriers experienced by female Saudi nursing students while studying nursing: A phenomenological study. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2019.
Social work education in Saudi Arabia: A review. Social Work Abstracts. 2014.
Special Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability in Saudi Arabia: Issues and Recommendations. ERIC. 2014.
Study of factors affecting parental choice of private and public school in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2015.
The Impact of Science Teachers' Beliefs on Teaching Science: The Case of Saudi Science Teachers. ERIC. 2016.
The issues of implementing inclusion for students with Learning Difficulties in mainstream primary schools in Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2017.
The policy and practice of inclusion of children with specific learning difficulties in mainstream primary girls' schools in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia : exploring the attitudes and experiences of teachers. British Library EThOS. 2018.
The promotion of physical activity within secondary boys schools in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2012.
Transition services from school to work for students who are deaf or hard of hearing in Saudi Arabia: Teachers' perceptions. PsycINFO. 2017.
Using activity theory to explore the perspectives of participants on an initial teacher education programme for science teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. British Library EThOS. 2017.
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