Bhutan - Resources on various topics
Prepared by Magda El-Sherbini
ConnectGov 2016 to attract 100 Asian tech leaders at Bhutan. InfoTrac Computer Database. 2016.
Selling Desire and Dissatisfaction: Why Advertising should be banned From Bhutanese Television. JSTOR Journals. 2006.
Tech training for Bhutan forest officials.(Guwahati). Global Issues in Context. 2015
Access to safe drinking water and human health: Empirical evidence from rural Bhutan. : Scopus. 2016
Association between Sleep Duration and Self-Reported Health Status: Findings from the Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Study. Africa-Wide Information. 2017
Culture Matters: Indigenizing Patient Safety in Bhutan. EconLit. 2017.
Domestic use of dirty energy and its effects on human health: empirical evidence from Bhutan. Scopus. 2017.
Factors associated with delivery at home in Bhutan: findings from the National Health Survey 2012. Scopus. 2018.
Findings from Chulalongkorn University Update Knowledge of SocialScience and Medicine (Social capital, outpatient care utilization andchoice between different levels of health facilities in rural and urbanareas of Bhutan).(Report). Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Identifying and confirming demotivating factors for village health workers in rural communities of Bhutan. Scopus. 2018.
Increasing compliance with alcohol service laws in a developing country: intervention trial in the Kingdom of Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2016.
International health and the limits of its global influence: Bhutan and the worldwide smallpox eradication programme. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013.
Retinal Parameters as Compared with Head Circumference, Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index in Children in Kenya and Bhutan. Africa-Wide Information. 2018.
Strengthening non-communicable disease policy with lessons from Bhutan: linking gross national happiness and health policy action. Scopus. 2018.
The Paradox of Happiness: Health and Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bhutan. SocINDEX with Full Text. 2016.
Community-based survey during rabies outbreaks in Rangjung town, Trashigang, eastern Bhutan, 2016. MEDLINE with Full Text. 2017
Gender bias in schooling: the case for Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013.
How Do First Year Students Learn C Programming in Bhutan? IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2017.
Rural Livelihood Diversification Strategies and Household Welfare in Bhutan. Sociological Collection. 2018.
Supporting students with disability in schools in Bhutan: perspectives from school principals. Education Research Complete. 2019.
Politics and Economy
Bhutan Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption.
Applied theatre and political change in Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2015.
Bhutan and Sino-Indian rivalry: the price of proximity. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2018.
Bhutan economy: Quick View - New government concludes firstparliamentary session. Global Issues in Context. 2019.
Bhutan government set to buy back unsold cardamom. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Bhutan in 2016: a new era is born. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2017.
Bhutan in 2017: preparing a new cycle. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2018.
Bhutan politics: Bhutan elects new party to government. Academic OneFile. 2018.
Bhutan seeks happiness in electing new government. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Bhutan seeks happiness in a new government. Zad Newspapers. 2018.
Bhutan's interim government dissolved. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Bhutan's new government assumes office. Global Issues in Context. 2018.
Buddhist biopower? – Variegated governmentality in Bhutan's Gross National Happiness agenda. Environment Complete. 2018.
Dictated democracy? On the eve of Bhutan's second nationwide polls, the region's newest democracy faces myriad challenges. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013.
Gross National Happiness in Bhutan: political institutions and implementation. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2015.
Implementation of national action plans on noncommunicable diseases, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. CINAHL Plus with Full Text. 2019
International Criminal Court : Article 98 : agreement between the United States of America and Bhutan, signed at Washington, May 2, 2003. Government Printing Office Catalog. 2012.
International politics of Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2004.
Monetary policy framework for the Royal Government of Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2017.
Nepal and Bhutan in 2012: uncertain democratic consolidation. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013.
Nepal and Bhutan in 2013: a year of elections. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2014.
Nepal and Bhutan in 2014: new governments, old problems. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2015.
Nepal and Bhutan in 2015: shifting ground. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2016.
Policy of happiness: Bhutan's innovation is vesting the government with responsibility for the people's frame of mind. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2018.
Second elections and democratic consolidation: the experience of Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2014.
Technical Assistance For Renewable Natural Resources And Climate Change Response And Local Governments And Decentralization Bhutan. Academic OneFile. 2018.
The politics of Bhutan: change in continuity. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2000.
Where did Bhutan's gross national happiness come from? The origins of an invented tradition. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2016.
Women and politics in democratic transitions: the case of Bhutan. MasterFILE Premier. 2017.
Bhutan and climate change: identifying strategic implications. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013
Bhutan: Can the 1.5[degrees]C Agenda Be Integrated with Growth in Wealth and Happiness? Academic OneFile. 2018.
Bhutan,United States: Bhutan Trust Fund for Environmental Conservation: Seeking Proposals for Management Board Approved Grant Program. InfoTrac Newsstand. 2018.
Emerging environmental issues in Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2007
Environmental modernity in Bhutan : entangled landscapes, Buddhist narratives and inhabiting the land. British Library EThOS. 2015.
Exploring governance structures of high altitude rangeland in Bhutan using Ostrom’s Design Principles. BASE. 2018.
Fuelwood use and availability in Bhutan: implications for national policy and local forest management. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2014.
Gross national happiness and environmental status in Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2006.
Spirits and Nature: The Intertwining of Sacred Cosmologies and Environmental Conservation in Bhutan. Religion and Philosophy Collection. 2017.
Sustaining conservation finance: future directions for the Bhutan Trust Fund for environmental conservation. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2001.
Waking the watchdog: needs, opportunities, and challenges of environmental advocacy in modern Bhutan. Bibliography of Asian Studies. 2013.
What nations around the world can learn from Bhutan environmental sustainability. General OneFile. 2018
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